2014년 3월 2일 일요일

Healthy meals with beans in Korea

According to a study in the International Journal of Cancer, People who eat beans frequently have a significantly lower risk of developing many cancers including breast cancer, ovarian cancer and stomach[gastric] cancer than people who seldom eat them.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the second most common cause of cancer death in women.
Women who ate beans or lentils two or more times per week had a 34% lower risk of breast cancer than women who ate them one or fewer times per month.

Beans are a major protein source in vegetarian diets. They are rich in some of the food components believed to protect against cancer, including antioxidants, fiber, and phytoestrogens.
Frequently eating beans can be recommended for women who want to reduce their risk of breast cancer and generally increase the healthfulness of their diet.

Legumes have been significant crops in Korean history as well.
Legumes, like red beans, soybeans and mung beans (called "nokdu" in Korean), are also an important part of Korean cuisine. Soybeans are not only made into tofu ("dubu"), but it's also eaten steamed, made into soy milk, and used as a base for noodles. Even the soybean sprouts ("kongnamul") are eaten as a side dish, made into soups and mixed with rice. The fermented soybean is made into a paste ("doenjang"), which is similar to miso, but has a chunkier texture and earthier taste.
There are many restaurants specialized in cuisine made from bean only in Korea.

Below are few of korean foods made with bean that korean eat almost everyday along with rice and kimchee

1. Doenjang (soybean paste),

Doenjang, with its anti-cancer attributes,has attracted the attention of modern-day nutritionists. Koreans used to make doenjang at home by boiling yellow beans, drying them in the shade, soaking them in salty water, and fermenting them in sunlight. However, only a few families go through this process anymore; the majority buys factory-made doenjang.
Doenjang is considered one of the essential sauces of authentic Korean cuisine.
Among hundreds of foods made with doenjang, Korean Soybean Paste Stew (Doenjang Jjigae)is most popular one.

2. Kongnamul muchim (seasoned soybean sprouts)

It is one of the most commonly served side dishes in Korean homes.
You've probably seen this dish among the array of side dishes served at Korean restaurants.
It's also one of the classic vegetables used in bibimbap. Usually, this dish is mildly seasoned to savor the natural nutty flavor of the soybean sprouts. It's also very common to add gochugaru (red chili pepper flakes), along with a little bit of soy sauce, for a little spicy kick.
Soup made with kongnamul which is called Kongnamul Kuk(Bean Sprouts Soup) is also popular in Korea.
Soybean sprouts is low in calories and have 9 grams of protein, which is three times more than you'll get in mung bean sprouts. Both types contain a small amount of fiber and carbohydrates, also rich in vitamin B, C.
This explains why kongnamul guk is a popular home remedy for common colds and hangovers in Korea.

3. Korean Sweet Black Beans (Kongjaban)

A sweet and nutty side dish, these seasoned black beans are a protein-filled complement to any Korean meal.
Black beans are packed with fiber,proteinare and high in antioxidants.
Plus, the fiber content of black beans will help you beat cholesterol. The soluble fiber in black beans binds with the bile acids in your system and carry them out of your body, making it impossible for those acids to become cholesterol. This is great news for your heart health, and can dramatically reduce your risk of a stroke or heart attack.

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