PlayStation 4 hasn't actually released worldwide yet.
The next-gen system is launching in South Korea on 17th December, and this guy has been camping to secure first seat to buy PS4 since 11th December with a banner that reads, "Waiting to buy a launch PS4." This man has created quiet a buzz on korean gaming website.
The man, 33 year-old Hong Suk Min and his supportive wife, who's also a big gamer, planned this fifteen days ago.
On his blog, Hong documented how they bought two hundred hand warmers, twenty space blankets, three regular blankets, a lantern,emergency foods and cold medicine in case he catch cold.
He also brought his 3ds,psp to play and books to read.
Hong's wife made their banner, his wife took turn waiting in line for him when he needs to change cloths once in a while.
But most of time he waited in line alone especially at night when his wife had to go back home for working next day.
Sony korea(SCEK) also provided him a tent and little supplys to keep him warm at freezing night time.
After being noticed online in South Korea, over fifty people stopped by to say hello and give him encouragement, and even some snacks.
Popular korean game media like Ruliweb (pictured below) have taken note, interviewing him about his long wait.
Even some diehard Xbox fans are cheering him leaving positive comments online that Hong said made him all teary eyed.
Long waits for new consoles are common in the West, but they're less so in South Korea, where PC online gaming rules.
While interviewing with Ruliweb, he said "It's hard being a console video gamer in Korea but I wanted to show everyone that we are just as passionate. We especially wanted to show Sony Korea that our market may be small, but our passion is world-class." Bravo!
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