2014년 2월 24일 월요일

Popular tourist destination in Seoul vary by tourists from different asian country

Recent survey conducted by Seoul city revealed that most popular tourist destination in Seoul is different among tourists from other asian country

According to survey, Chinese tourist included the Kyung bok gung (93.8%), Chung Wa Dae(93.5%) and Chung Gye Chun(43.8%) as their must-visit Seoul tour destination while only few of Japanese tourist visited Kyung bok gung(16.7%) and picked chang deok gung(35.8%), Buk chon Village(29.7%), Chung Wa Dae(28.0%) as their most visited destination in Seoul.

Last year 3.92 million Chinese tourist and 2.71 million Japanese tourists visited Korea.
Professor choi yong hoon at Tourism Policy Division of Seoul said "tourists of these two countries's major tourist attractions are quite different due to fact that unlike many Japanese visitors, Chinese tourists visit Korea for the first time so they tend to prefer to visit the most representative tourist attractions in Seoul,"

Meanwhile, Taiwanses picked Chung Gye Chun(stream) and Thailand tourists picked Seoul Tower as their favorite Seoul destination.

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