2013년 11월 12일 화요일

'80s star Nami has made her comeback with new song "Voyeur'

'80s star Nami has made her comeback after all these years.
Nami,one of the biggest star of 1980s and '90s K-pop, is finally returning to the music scene with her new album.

Her new song and music video ‘Voyeur’ ,which was released on monday, fits the electro dance music genre pretty well.

NAMI was a popular singer in the late 1980’s with mega hit songs like "Bingle Bingle" and "Like an Indian Doll". which was remade by FinKL in 1999.

The ‘Voyeur’ music video reminds us of a combination of Madonna, Woody Allen, and U2 and was chreographed by an American chreographer Joe Brown. It was also filmed in the U.S.

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